A Personal Plug for an Important Cause…And a Friend

This coming Thursday evening, February 28, several hundred people will gather in Chicago’s River North neighborhood, all of us with one thing in common:  To some extent, we were all friends with Jim Tyree.  It would take more time and ability than I will ever have to convey how one person brightened so many lives; others before me have done a very good job of it.  Suffice to say “Ty” was a good friend and, without question, a great man.  We enjoyed more than 20 years of back slapping laughs, chest poking arguments and more than our share of bar stools.  And when he passed from this world some two years ago, it hurt.

But this Thursday evening, we will focus on Ty’s passion for helping others, his commitment to giving and the enthusiasm with which he did so much for so many.  Like Ty, the James Tyree Foundation holds tight to a fundamental believe that you can always do more.   

 Since its 2011 launch, the Foundation has awarded major grants to organizations import to Ty and his lovely wife, Eve:  Wolcott School, Hyde Park Day School, Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, and the James C. Tyree Program for Diabetes Care and Innovation at the University of Chicago.

If you are in the Chicago area, I hope you will join me for the James Tyree Foundation’s first annual cocktail reception and fundraiser.   Like Ty, it promises to be a lively event with a meaningful purpose.  If you are reading this from another part of the country, I hope you will consider making a donation

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