Do Consumers Still Care About Advertising?
The market research folks over at Lab 42 recently asked a question that many of us in one branch or another of marketing ask now and then: Do consumers just accept advertising, or take it with a grain of salt? And, more importantly, do they care?
The question comes at that time of the New Year when we are bombarded with claims about products that target our waistlines, enticing us to join health clubs, change what we eat for breakfast and supplement our diets with all manner of things that negate the effects of holiday cookies and eggnog.
According to Lab 42: “We decided to take a look at how consumers view advertising claims, and their opinions painted an interesting picture. Only 3% would describe claims in ads as very accurate, and only 21% would describe ads as somewhat accurate. We found out exactly which parts of ads they don’t believe– almost all pointed to Photoshop as an element of advertising deception.”
The full store is here.